Kalanchoe Plant – Red

The Ixora (Rugmini) Plant, also known as West Indian Jasmine, is a tropical evergreen shrub celebrated for its vibrant orange, star-shaped flowers. Native to South and Southeast Asia, this plant adds a splash of color to gardens, patios, and indoor spaces.

Kalanchoe Plant - Red

Have you been looking for a low maintenance flowering plant that doesn’t require too much of your time or efforts? Then the Red Kalanchoe Plant is just what you’re looking for! With its glossy green leaves and stunning red flowers, this succulent makes for the perfect indoor flower plant. Bring life to even the darkest corners of your home with the Kalanchoe Red plant!

Light and Watering

  • Light: Thrives in bright, direct sunlight with at least 6 hours of sun daily.
  • Watering: Keep soil consistently moist but avoid overwatering. Water when the top inch of soil is dry.

Soil and Fertilization

Ixora prefers slightly acidic, well-draining soil. Fertilize every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing season with an acid-loving plant fertilizer.

Temperature and Humidity

Ixora thrives in warm temperatures (60°F to 85°F) and high humidity. Use a humidifier or a water tray to maintain humidity indoors.

Pruning and Care

Regular pruning after flowering promotes bushier growth and more blooms. Keep an eye out for pests and maintain proper air circulation to prevent leaf spot.

Propagation and Use

Propagate via stem cuttings in spring or early summer. The Ixora is ideal for hedges, borders, or container gardening, adding vibrant color to any space.