Hanging Plants

Welcome to Plant Uncle, your trusted companion in the world of indoor gardening! At Plant Uncle, we believe that plants are more than just décor—they’re living companions that can transform any space into a vibrant, healthy, and inspiring environment.

Our Plants

The trailing vines of the hanging Peperomia plant in vertical display.

Elevate your garden with the Jade Creeper Plant in a Hanging Planter.

Its pot boasts stunning variegations on heart-shaped leaves.

Also called the Krinkle Curl plant and this conversation starter will add a unique touch to your home.

These stunners grow horizontally rather than vertically.

These fast-growers look quirky and eye-catching in their hanging .

Let it climb or trail and it will be a great addition .

(Dischidia nummularia) is a trailing, epiphytic plant .